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Social MediaFacebook Gets Publisher-Friendly With a Host of New Tools

Facebook Gets Publisher-Friendly With a Host of New Tools

Currently, Facebook is already a favorite amongst digital marketers looking to have a say on social media. To keep its user base of marketers intact and with hopes to attract more, Facebook has now unveiled a new set of publisher tools that’ll make content marketing on this social media platform much easier and effective. This move will be a welcome change to publishers who’ve been concerned about the decreased reach posts have been seeing over the last few months, with the change in Facebook’s feed structures.

One of the most important new tools available to publishers is the advanced interest targeting. This uses Facebook’s large data collection and creates subject areas. With this, publishers can target just about any preferences of their prospective consumers and reach them more efficiently. Facebook has also enabled an “end date” for posts, allowing users to stop displaying posts on their audience’s timelines after a certain period of time. This keeps away stale content. The Smart Publishing tool is also very handy as it makes content creation less stressful. This feature “tracks which stories users are posting to Facebook, and publishes them to the News Feeds of people that have liked that organization’s page,” says an article by Jason Abbruzzese on Mashable.

Image Source: Bloomua /


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