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NewsDay 2 at Salesforce Connections 2015

Day 2 at Salesforce Connections 2015

Dog tired, yet all charged up – that’s MTA for you on Day 2!

Kick-starting Day 2 was the super-amazing rock and blues singer Elle King. Beginning on so stimulating a ‘note’, there was no chance we’d miss our morning cuppa coffee.

After Elle King’s rocking start, keynote speaker Scott McCorkle, CEO for Salesforce Marketing Cloud commenced his opening with, “The dawn of the digital marketer is here!”

With Salesforce unveiling the new features in Journey Builder in the next generation Marketing Cloud, McCorkle further explained how the physical and digital worlds are converging blurring the traditional boundaries of marketing. He said, “Every business in this building has an unprecedented opportunity to connect to their customers in a new way.” A transformational product, Journey Builder is all set to change how marketers will engage customers.

Following this, Deborah W. Brooks, Co-founder & Executive Vice-chairman of the Michael J Fox Foundation joined McCorkle on stage relating her experiences of how it was easy connecting with the researchers working on the Parkinson’s syndrome, while it was a huge challenge to meet the patient community, as the disease made it difficult for patients to engage.

McCorkle went on to say, “With the rise of the connected customer, there have been four powerful technology shifts enabling us to connect with customers now.

  • Cloud – which has given us the ability for high-performance massive scale and real-time access previously unthinkable
  • Social – Places for customers to go and for us to join them digitally
  • Mobile – always on, and connecting all customers
  • Data science –Data science brings an era of being able to approach personalization in unprecedented ways

Post-lunch MTA headed to the fireside chat with host Seth Meyers and fashion designer Diane Von Furstenberg. Anything that spells Seth Meyers is obviously funny, but the wonderfully engaging heart talk with Furstenberg had us engrossed in her lifescape. The icon she is, DVF talked about her journey to success, struggles and how she overcame them. Relating her story, she said, “Life is a journey, whose landscape changes — it rains, it’s sunny and you move on. The worst moments are your best souvenirs. I was very lucky, because I came to this country, when I was 22 and lived the American dream. For me, it actually started much earlier, when I was born. My birth itself was a miracle, as my mother wasn’t expected to survive, and I wasn’t supposed to be born!” Later, during the tete-a-tete, she said, “Success gives you two things – money to pay bills and a voice. A voice for those who don’t have one.” Overwhelmed to be in the same room as the diva!

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