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NewsHubspot Now Sets Up Office at a New Location: Portsmouth, N.H.

HubSpot is on an expansion spree. The company which recently went public in October is now opening a new office in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. This will be the fourth office worldwide.  However, HubSpot’s Cambridge headquarters was the company’s only U.S. location. For those aware of the company’s history, it all started in a small bay on the 14th floor of the Cambridge Innovation Center.

According to an article, Chief Operating Officer JD Sherman has said that HubSpot is “allergic to offices.” Translation: While all executives have their own desks, they are set up an open layout as opposed to cubicles in the interest of supporting transparency and collaboration.

Sherman further said, “Two years ago, HubSpot identified an agency specializing in technical services that drove customer success, and those employees joined our team, working with our Cambridge team and global customer base. That team has been so successful that we decided to build out a small office here in Portsmouth. Doing so will allow us to attract great talent north of Boston while remaining committed to being a pillar New England company.”

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