FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) for MTA

Here is a collection of FAQs that will help you manage your relationship with us.


Q1. How do I subscribe to the weekly newsletter?

A. It’s very easy to sign up for our weekly newsletter. Simply, go on our homepage footer and enter your email address in this box –


Q2. What do I do to unsubscribe from the email newsletter?

A. Please write to editorial[at]martechadvisor[dot]com with Unsubscribe in the subject line. Your request will be processed in 2-3 working days after the receipt of the request. Alternately, click on the UNSUBSCRIBE button at the bottom of any newsletter from the recent past.

Q3. How do I unsubscribe from the Browser notifications? I don’t remember signing up for them.

A. When you visit our website, you would have got a pop-up box on the top left corner of your browser, asking to ‘allow’ or ‘block’ browser notifications. 

 – The only way to start receiving these notifications is if you somehow- even inadvertently- clicked ‘allow’..

We send no more than 3 notifications in a 24-hour period.

Nevertheless, if you no longer wish to receive these notifications, you will need to block them from your own system We do not have a way to stop them from our end. For detailed instructions to block these notifications on your Browser, please go to this link.

For any other queries, you can reach us at editorial[at]martechadvisor[dot]com.

ORIGINAL CONTENT SUBMISSION (Community Contributor Program or Guest Author Program)

Q4. How do I contribute content to your site?

A. We have 2 external contributor programs.

1. The Guest Author Program  is by invitation only, specifically for senior executives of companies picked by the Editorial team. If you are a PR who wishes to nominate an Executive to contribute and exclusive and original byline to the Guest Author Program, please email editorial@martechadvisor and mention GUEST AUTHOR in the subject. We will come back to you confirming acceptance within 2 weeks. This is an editorial opportunity and there is no cost involved; however, Editorial Guidelines apply.

2. The Community Contributor Program : is an opportunity for all stakeholders in the martech ecosystem to have their say through original, exclusive op-ed bylines. To submit a contribution, please email editorial[at]martechadvisor[dot]com and mention COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTOR in the subject line. Please be sure to include a couple of relevant abstracts/ topic suggestions so that the team can confirm the way ahead. This is an editorial opportunity and there is no cost involved; however, Editorial Guidelines apply. Please allow 2-3 weeks for the editorial moderation process to confirm publication. Submission does not guarantee publication, and this is not an open forum.

Q5. We have written a great article on our blog/ company website. Will you publish it on MarTech Advisor?

A. No, at the moment we accept only original and exclusive content. However, if you feel one of your Executives would like to apply for the Guest Author Program, please see Q4.1 above.

Q6. Can I republish an article already published on MTA on my website/ blog or use it as a reference in my article published on other publications; even if I am not the author of that content

A. Yes, you can republish an article already published on MTA on your website/ blog with the mention – “This article was originally published on MarTech Advisor” with a hyperlink to the original content. Also, if citing the article in one of your own, please credit the author and hyperlink back to the original content. This applies even if you are the original author of the content being cited yourself.

Q7. I contributed an article this week and want MTA to publish it at the earliest.

A. We serve our contributors on a “first come, first served basis”. So, depending on the existing queue, it will take a minimum 3 weeks for the editorial team to review the content and revert with an exact date of publish. Upon publication, you/your rep will receive an automated email with a link to the published article.

We tend to expedite the publish if the content is topical; for example, related to MarTech Industry events, breaking news announcements and/ or in line with our Editorial Calendar themes. In such cases, please flag this to the editor in your submission email.


Q8. Who is the Point of Contact for submitting press releases or news announcements?

A. Send all press release drafts to news[at]martechadvisor[dot]com with accompanying images, creative assets. We do honor embargo, so you can share the announcements in advance to help the editorial team have some lead time to line it up in the queue for publish.   

Q9. How to submit commentary/ quote?

A. You can contact editorial[at]martechadvisor[dot]com and mention COMMENTARY in the subject line. In the email, it is critical to mention the bio of the key exec along with the suggestions on the probable topics you/ your client would like to submit exclusive quotes or commentary on. Depending on the fitment of the proposition, one of our staff writers would revert to you.


Q10. Does your publication look into link exchange or content barter?

A. This is solely at the discretion of the Editorial team in tandem with our Editorial Guidelines.


Q11. Does MTA accept sponsored content/ help me promote my brand or product?

A. All the Editorial initiatives related to Guest article/ quote contributions are gratis and we strictly maintain objectivity for the content covered. Nevertheless, should you be interested in building brand with paid sponsorship options, advertorial opportunities, webinars and other co-created or co-branded content pieces, please contact our sales team at Mukesh[dot]rajpurohit[at]martechadvisor[dot]com for more details.

Q12. How can I host my organization’s eBook or Whitepaper on MTA?

A. Please contact Mukesh at Mukesh[dot]rajpurohit[at]martechadvisor[dot]com for more details on our Content Syndication/Lead Gen programs