Planting the Seeds for Sustainability and Email Marketing Success
Apr 21 2017 | 09:57 PM | 5 Mins Read | Level - Intermediate | Read ModeEJ McGowan General manager of Campaigner, j2 Global
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EJ McGowan is the General Manager of Campaigner at j2 Global, a cloud services, unified communications, and digital media company. He has more than 25 years' experience in the software industry with expertise in building highly available, scalable SaaS-based solutions.
Each year, Earth Day serves as a reminder for people and businesses alike to practice sustainability. For email marketers, not only is Earth Day a time to evaluate which changes they can make to keep their marketing practices fresh and sustainable over time, it also offers some unique promotional opportunities rooted in environmental responsibility for brands.
In order to usher in the holiday and promote eco-friendly practices year-round, email marketing provider Campaigner has devised some tips below on evergreen strategies to ensure campaign success and a sustainable brand.
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DownloadMake Greener Marketing Decisions
According to the American Forest and Paper Association, each year, the U.S. uses about 68 million trees each year to produce 17 billion catalogs and 65 billion pieces of direct mail. However, as the world shifts toward digital, marketers now have the ability to utilize new tools that cut down on waste and promote environmental responsibility.
Emailing coupons with a barcode or QR code instead of relying on paper coupons is a great place to start. If your customer has a smartphone or tablet, the coupon can be opened at the cash register and scanned. This means less paper and printer ink to purchase something from your business.
Root Your Campaign in Social Media
Social media marketing integration is the name of the game. While you have already planted your seed via email marketing, integrated campaigns on social media serve as a great way to expand your audience and held spread your roots even further.
Start by linking to social media platforms with each email sent to subscribers. Then be sure to make each platform as engaging as possible for subscribers through Earth Day giveaways and promotions. By starting a conversation with your customers on social media, not only are you promoting brand loyalty, you are building a strong foundation across multiple digital marketing funnels.
Promote a Good Deed within Each Campaign
Encourage environmental responsibility within your business to reach more customers. While it may not make a difference to all subscribers, many consumers prefer to support businesses that have corporate social responsibility initiatives in place, such as green or sustainability practices.
A great way to do this is by promoting a good deed within each campaign. This could be something as simple as reminding subscribers that, instead of printing, a good way to spread your news or promotions with friends is by forwarding the email. Encourage your subscribers by letting them know that one green act goes a long way. You may even want to pass along the Earth Day link for them to pledge an act as well.
Remember to keep these tips in mind for Earth Day and beyond. While you are committing to your acts of green this year, you could also bring green to your bottom line.